Start-up boom thriving at ETH Zurich
News, Success Stories 31.01.2025
Once again, around 40 spin-off companies were launched at ETH Zurich. Start-ups in the fields of artificial intelligence and biotechnology were particularly well represented.
News, Success Stories 31.01.2025
Once again, around 40 spin-off companies were launched at ETH Zurich. Start-ups in the fields of artificial intelligence and biotechnology were particularly well represented.
News, Success Stories 13.12.2024
With Martin Hofmann as Terra Quantum AG’s new Chief Business Officer, the startup has won over a seasoned leader with over 35 years of experience in technology and business innovation, having held leadership roles at Volkswagen, Salesforce, and recently as CTIO at Volta Trucks.
Success Stories, News 27.11.2024
ndd Medical Technologies hat das Produkt EasyOne Sky für die Spirometrie bei den Lungenkrankheiten COPD lanciert. Das Medtech möchte mit dem Produkt den Einsatz des Diagnoseverfahrens erhöhen.
News, Success Stories 26.11.2024
STIMIT AG announced it is enrolling patients in its FDA Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) clinical trial, “STIMIT ACTIVATOR 1 PIVOTAL STUDY,” with world renowned clinical centers, thus pioneering a transformation in ventilation and critical care.
News, Success Stories 18.11.2024
Das ETH-Start-up «Akina» lässt Patientinnen und Patienten mit Rückenproblemen zu Hause trainieren – überwacht und angeleitet von KI-gestützter Bewegungserkennung. Wie alltagstauglich ist die Anwendung? Wie fühlt es sich an, mit einem KI-Coach zu trainieren? Und stellt sich die erhoffte Verbesserung ein?