
Medical Technology and Health /companies/medtech/ Medical technology and health Switzerland has a long-standing tradition of successful companies in the pharmaceutical and medical technology sector hence it is also an important concern for many start-ups and SMEs. Companies in the healthcare industry from numerous fields – such as general MedTech, data management or pharmaceutics – reside at Technopark Zurich.

Smart Energy  /companies/energie-und-klimaschutz/ Smart Energy Climate change is one of the major concerns of our time and age. Companies at Technopark Zurich take up this challenge in a variety of ways by working towards a better and more efficient use of energy and by facilitating the use of renewable energies through technical solutions. On the other hand, awareness and incentives for a more climate-neutral behaviour need to be created.

Privacy Policy /privacy-policy/ Privacy Policy 1         Scope This privacy policy stipulates how the Foundation TECHNOPARK¼ Zurich and/or TECHNOPARK Real Estate LTD, (hereinafter jointly “Technopark”, “we”, “us”), Technoparkstrasse 1, CH-8005 Zurich processes personal data of its customers (incl. tenants) as well as visitors ("you") of the Technopark building at Technoparkstrasse 1 in Zurich (“building”) and of...

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science  /companies/kuenstliche-intelligenz/ Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Computer science has received new impulses within the last few years. On the one hand due to web-based application interfaces (APIs) becoming more and more common. On the other hand through the fact that an "Internet of Things" turned into reality by reducing the size of communication-capable hardware. These developments result in large amounts of data, which are processed by data-science based algorithms and make automated decision-making possible - often...