Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Computer science has received new impulses within the last few years. On the one hand due to web-based application interfaces (APIs) becoming more and more common. On the other hand through the fact that an “Internet of Things” turned into reality by reducing the size of communication-capable hardware. These developments result in large amounts of data, which are processed by data-science based algorithms and make automated decision-making possible – often with astonishing precision. Several companies here at Technopark Zurich are working on these megatrends to optimize work processes in robotics or in medical technology.
But not everything can be solved with “deep learning”. Thus, the use of artificial intelligence based on mathematical or physical models also plays an important role at Technopark Zurich.
Website | Name | Beschreibung | Telefon | Branche | Bereiche |
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SCS - Supercomputing Systems AG | Unser Team von 130 ausgewiesenen Expert/innen deckt ein äusserst breites Spektrum an Technologien ab: Hardware, FPGAs, DSPs oder schnelle Kommunikation Embedded- und Low-Level-Software, FPGA-Firmware OO-Software basierend auf C++, C#/.NET und JAVA sowie Datenbank-Applikationen. Unsere Algorithmiker finden feinste Signale in riesigen Datenmengen und entwickeln effektive Entscheidungshilfen, um komplexe Abläufe zu optimieren. Dank unserer Erfahrung aus über 1000 Projekten für über 180 Industriekunden gelingt es uns immer wieder, komplexe Herausforderungen in überschaubare Projekte zu unterteilen und diese mit grosser Planungssicherheit umzusetzen. Viele unserer Kunden reduzieren die Komplexität und das Risiko ihrer Projekte, indem sie die Verantwortung für Termine und Lieferobjekte im Rahmen eines Fixpreisprojektes an uns delegieren. |
+41 43 456 16 00 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Medtech Intelligent Buildings and BIM Robotics and Image Analysis Energy Efficiency Data Engineering, ERP Systems Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Cybersecurity Smart Mobility and Smart Cities Distributed Ledgers and Blockchains Smart Health Deep Learning / AI |
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Validity Labs AG | Validity Labs is a leading provider of blockchain-based decentralized applications and is based in Switzerland. Our journey started in 2015 with the Ethereum genesis block as the first blockchain education company in Switzerland. Today, Validity Labs is the technical partner of choice for a range of startups as well as large corporates, offering support and know-how in the areas of blockchain-enabled solutions, decentralized applications, tokenization, Intitial Coin Offerings and Security Token Offerings. We engineer smart contracts as well as build novel Web3 solutions from frontend to backend. |
+41 79 388 08 99 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Distributed Ledgers and Blockchains Fintech |
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Ritz Engineering GmbH | We provide in the ICT Sector: Agility Consulting in Project Management, Requirements Engineering, Business Analysis, Modeling and Solution Development.
We provide furthermore consulting of Large Scale ICT Enterprise Applications and their ICT Enterprise Architecture Management. Our Engineering and Product Development covers IoT as Sensor / Actuator / Microcontroller / Beacon Development with BLE / WiFi / LORAWAN and Blockchain capabilities, Value Chain Monitoring, Wearable Devices, GraphDB / Deep Learning Management and Blockchain Oracles. We provide the 1st TTN (The Things Network) Gateway @ Technopark |
+41 44 500 25 42 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Energy Efficiency Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Smart Mobility and Smart Cities Distributed Ledgers and Blockchains Smart Health Deep Learning / AI |
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Digital Assets Technologies AG (DAT) | Digital Assets Technologies (DAT) AG bridges the last mile between crypto-assets and traditional accounting systems. Our B2B solution enables professional accountants to import, review and amend crypto-asset transactions from various blockchains to finally import and synchronise them with supported accounting systems. DAT AG provides a seamless, trusted, secure solution for crypto-asset reporting directly via our enterprise API. |
+41 79 388 08 99 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Cybersecurity Distributed Ledgers and Blockchains Fintech |
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Meteodat GmbH | Die Meteodat GmbH ist ein international tätiges Unternehmen in den Bereichen Hydrologie, Meteorologie, Klimatologie und Informatik.Die Meteodat GmbH wurde anfangs 1998 als ein Spin-Off-Firma der ETH gegründet. Ihre MitarbeiterInnen betätigten sich bis anhin an verschiedenen Forschungskooperationen mit der Privatwirtschaft und staatlichen Organisationen, die am Geographischen Institut der ETH ausgeführt wurden. Zudem konnten sie seit 1993 mit der Einzelfirma Meteodat Rohrer einen Kundenstamm aufbauen.Ein grosses Netz von persönlichen Beziehungen zu Hochschulen, Forschungsinstitutionen und Amtsstellen im In- und Ausland erlaubt uns, auf effizientem Weg zu den von Ihnen gewünschten Informationen zu gelangen.Die enge Verknüpfung zur ETH und zu Universitäten ermöglicht uns, den Kontakt zur Forschung aufrecht zu erhalten.Unsere Zielsetzung ist, durch intensive Zusammenarbeit mit den Kunden individuelle Problemlösungen zu erarbeiten.Ein modernes Projektmanagement mit entsprechender Qualitätssicherung ist für uns selbstverständlich. | +41 44 445 34 20 | Consulting & Services | Energy Efficiency Smart Mobility and Smart Cities Deep Learning / AI |
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ddrobotec® by Dynamic Devices AG | ddrobotec® by Dynamic Devices is a Swiss sports and health tech company that designs, builds and markets cloud-powered intelligent robotic personal trainers. Its solutions provide cost-effective, personalized performance enhancement and healthcare at scale. | +41 78 944 26 49 | Electronic & Mechanical Engineering / Robotics | Robotics and Image Analysis Smart Mobility and Smart Cities Smart Health Deep Learning / AI |
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Accelerom AG | Wir sind ein international tätiges Beratungs- und Researchunternehmen und unterstützen Mittelstandsunternehmen sowie multinationale Konzerne im B2C- und B2B-Geschäft aus unterschiedlichen Branchen dabei, in ihrer Omnichannel-Marktbearbeitung erfolgreicher zu werden. Unsere Auftraggeber begleiten wir von der Analyse über die Entscheidungsfindung bis hin zur Umsetzung von Strategien und Kampagnen. Dabei dreht sich bei uns alles um die Perspektive des Kunden und seine Customer Journey. Unsere Lösungen für Marketing, Vertrieb, Kommunikation und Services sind immer ganzheitlich, immer messbar und immer fokussiert auf Wirkung und Wirtschaftlichkeit. | +41 43 205 29 18 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Deep Learning / AI |
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FARO Swiss Holding GmbH | We are an imaging company — and an imagining company. We imagine a better, more insightful and capable world realized through 3D digital means and measurement technologies. From the beginning, we’ve been helping our customers make better decisions more quickly and accurately than anyone in the industry. We believe if it can be dreamed, it can be measured. And if it can be measured, it can be realized. PhotoCore is the subsidiary of FARO Technologies and is specialized in photogrammetry and imaging technology. | +41 52 560 03 10 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Sensors, Nanotech and Materials Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Smart Mobility and Smart Cities Deep Learning / AI |
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CSEM Zurich SA | The Centre Suisse d' Electronique et de Microtechnique (CSEM) is a national innovation accelerator—a catalyst for the transfer of technologies and know-how from fundamental research to industry. |
+41 44 497 14 11 | Electronic & Mechanical Engineering / Robotics | Medtech Intelligent Buildings and BIM Robotics and Image Analysis Sensors, Nanotech and Materials Energy Efficiency Data Engineering, ERP Systems Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Cybersecurity Smart Mobility and Smart Cities Multiphysics Advanced Manufacturing Deep Learning / AI |
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Robolem AG | Robolem has developed a product that automatically transports goods on a chassis with any superstructure. The company advises you on how to perform transport tasks easily. | Electronic & Mechanical Engineering / Robotics | Robotics and Image Analysis Sensors, Nanotech and Materials Smart Mobility and Smart Cities Deep Learning / AI |
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Arbrea Labs AG | Arbrea Labs AG ADVANCED SOLUTIONS FOR COSMETIC SURGERY We are a group of world-class specialists in computer graphics and vision working on the next dimension of artificial intelligence for cosmetic surgery. |
+41 78 741 47 53 | Life Science Tools (IT, Diagnostics, Data) | Medtech Robotics and Image Analysis Smart Health Deep Learning / AI |
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Modulos AG | Modulos AG is a spin-off company of ETH Zurich. Modulos AG provides an holistic approach to Responsible AI Governance and helps to keep your company compliant. | +41 79 647 11 56 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Robotics and Image Analysis Data Engineering, ERP Systems Deep Learning / AI |
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senozon AG | Datengrundlagen und Simulationen für die langfristige, nachhaltige Planung von Immobilien, Verkehrsmitteln, Aussenwerbung und den Bereich Retail | +41 44 520 14 60 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Smart Mobility and Smart Cities Deep Learning / AI |
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Visium SA | Visium applies cutting-edge Machine Learning to the industry. It helps its clients identify high-value opportunities enabled by the state-of-the-art and develops production-ready solutions.
Visium has been founded in early 2018 only, and already has worked with a dozen of the Swiss biggest companies. Currently Visium employs a team of 54 passionate engineers and business profiles. |
+41 44 201 00 09 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Data Engineering, ERP Systems Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Deep Learning / AI | | NXGEN Services GmbH | NXGEN Services GmbH is a start-up company focused on cloud-based solution development for Connected Enterprises specializing in physical Security & Safety, IoT, AI/ML. | +41 44 552 88 50 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Cybersecurity Deep Learning / AI |
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Swiss Food Research | Swiss Food Research ist das grösste Innovationsnetzwerk im Schweizer Agro-Food Space. Als Verein mit über 200 Mitgliedern aus Forschungsinstitutionen, Unternehmen und Start-Ups sowie nationalen und internationalen Partnernetzwerken, treiben wir Innovationen im Agro-Food Ökosystem durch Wissens- und Technologietransfer wirksam voran. | Agritech / Foodtech | Agrotech and Foodtech LCA and social Cleantech Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Deep Learning / AI |
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Prometeia S.p.A., Bologna, Zweigniederlassung Zürich | We help private and retail banks transform the way they interact with their clients by enabling personalized, customer-centric, omni-channel services that are natively FIDLEG compliant. Our technology is used by many institutions to improve the effectiveness of their front office, enhance service quality and optimize cost-to-serve. Prometeia’s data analysis service delivers daily instrument analytics data feeds, including market, credit and liquidity risk, as well aggregate indicators like the PRC and SRI. | +41 79 5513366 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Fintech Deep Learning / AI |
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Natzka SA | Natzka is a young technology startup bringing to market an innovative set of algorithms for Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.It redefines the Data Warehouse landscape by cutting down complexity and providing userfriendly access to business insights. The proprietary database engine is designed for speed and compression and is enriched by an advanced suite of machine learning libraries | +41 91 985 20 20 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Data Engineering, ERP Systems Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Deep Learning / AI |
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Medicalholodeck AG | Medicalholodeck is the platform for medical collaboration and teamwork in virtual reality. The software allows you to visualize, edit, discuss and teach medical imaging, human dissections, and 3D human anatomy models in a fully immersive digital environment.Medicalholodeck develops software solutions for medical virtual and augmented reality. | +41 76 429 2480 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Medtech Robotics and Image Analysis Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Deep Learning / AI |
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Secontec Services Schweiz AG | SECONTEC ist der Spezialist für Smart Security in Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und UK. Mit über 1500 installierten Systemen ist SECONTEC in Deutschland Marktführer für intelligente, fernüberwachte und KI-gesteuerte Sicherheitssysteme.
Mit SECONTEC Smart Security erhalten Sie eine der modernsten und besten Sicherheitskonzepte am Markt. Eine Kombination aus neuester Überwachungshardware, ausgefeilter, algorithmen-gesteuerter Auswertungssoftware und eines der modernsten Operation Center stellt die bestmögliche Überwachung Ihres Eigentums sicher. |
+41 44 552 8710 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Intelligent Buildings and BIM Cybersecurity Deep Learning / AI |
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noimos AG | Durch den Einsatz von neuen Technologien hebt die noimos AG Kernprozesse von Versicherungen auf ein neues Level. | +41 58 689 61 00 | Fintech / Insurance Tech | Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Fintech Deep Learning / AI |
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Matchspace AG | Matchspace Music is on a mission to transform music education. Matchspace Music is the fastest-growing platform that makes music education easy. Music teachers reach more students, earn more, and conveniently manage their lessons in the app. Students find the best choice and maximum flexibility. | +41 76 570 23 98 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Data Engineering, ERP Systems Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Deep Learning / AI |
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Akina AG | Akina entwickelt medizinische AI Software um Patienten während ihrer selbständigen Physiotherapie zuhause zu unterstützen. Mit einer einzigartigen Integration der weltbesten Unterhaltungsangebote ("Gamification") und einem personalisiertem Motion Coaching arbeitet das ETH-Spinoff Unternehmen an der digitalen Gesundheitsversorgung der Zukunft. | +41 78 647 75 79 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Medtech Robotics and Image Analysis Smart Health Deep Learning / AI |
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Octotronic AG | Octotronic ist der Spezialist für Digital Transformation, Industrial Engineering und Data Analytics. Mit modernsten Technologien werden Produktionsprozesse intelligent digitalisiert und untereinander vernetzt. Die daraus gewonnene Datentransparenz steigert nachhaltig die Effizienz, Produktivität und Qualität jeder Fertigungsanlage, unabhängig von deren Alter. Daneben wird durch den Einsatz von Machine Learning eine kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Prozesse vorangetrieben. | +41 79 285 89 80 | Electronic & Mechanical Engineering / Robotics | Robotics and Image Analysis Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing Deep Learning / AI |
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SCION Association | The SCION Association is a non-profit organization facilitating the global adoption of the SCION next generation internet to meet the growing requirements for reliability, security, performance, and compliance in the digital economy, fueled by the proliferation of and dependency on interconnected machines, devices and people. SCION strives to stabilize digital markets and democratize secure access to the internet. | +41 78 632 17 77 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Cybersecurity Deep Learning / AI |
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Egonym AG | Egonym’s mission is to improve privacy for online media.
Our goals are to - Protect visual identity - Increase privacy - Make media sharing safer - Counteract malicious media manipulation |
+41 76 567 46 94 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Cybersecurity Deep Learning / AI |
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Weatherbound AG | Weatherbound is a company that designs climate change adaptation solutions for farmers: a smart irrigation system, and a drought and extreme weather monitoring tool. This help farmers to become more resilient towards increasing drought, heat, and extreme weather risks related to climate change. We value traditional practices and integrate them to state of the art innovative technologies. | +41 78 694 07 11 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Robotics and Image Analysis Agrotech and Foodtech Sensors, Nanotech and Materials Deep Learning / AI |
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Instructive Construction AG | Instructive Construction AG use machine vision and AI to enhance the manual craft of construction, giving builders digital tools to increase productivity and build the impossible. | +41 79 546 21 92 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Intelligent Buildings and BIM Robotics and Image Analysis Smart Mobility and Smart Cities Deep Learning / AI |
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CLIMADA Technologies AG | CLIMADA Technologies was founded in 2022 by Sebastian Glink, Simone Thompson and David Bresch, with the aim of advancing the global mindset towards anticipating and adapting to climate impact. An internationally operating climate risk analytics company, it has a specific focus on physical risk. | +41 76 439 75 71 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Energy Efficiency Smart Mobility and Smart Cities Deep Learning / AI |
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Univerbal GmbH | Univerbal revolutionizes how people learn a new language. Learners get the chance to talk in open and dynamic conversations about anything they like with their AI conversation partner, whilst getting corrections and feedback in real time. When they get stuck, they can switch and ask their AI Tutor for grammar advice or how to sound like a native. Talk your way to fluency with 20+ languages! | +41 76 407 80 62 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Deep Learning / AI |
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Alternative Embedded Innovation (AEI) AG | Alternative Embedded Innovation (AEI) AG specializes in the design and development of Hardware and Software for ISO 26262/21434 Safety&Security - Critical Embedded Systems. AEI is the Preferred Design House for Infineon Technologies AG. |
+ 41 79 353 37 86 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Robotics and Image Analysis Smart Mobility and Smart Cities Deep Learning / AI |
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irmos technologies AG | Irmos technologies is an ETH Zurich Spin-off, dedicated to bridge the gap between research and practice for safer and more sustainable infrastructure. Leveraging over 20 years of research and expertise, the team focuses on maximising the safe operational life of buildings and bridges while minimising their life-cycle carbon footprint. |
+41 78 732 22 83 | Energy / Cleantech | Intelligent Buildings and BIM Energy Efficiency Smart Mobility and Smart Cities Deep Learning / AI |
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21 Impact Labs AG | 21 Impact Labs seeks to create a better world, one brain at a time. With the Xponetiq brain health app, they aim to ignite your brain’s potential and make exercising brain healthy habits a daily norm for millions of people. Xponetiq’s strategies are validated by decades of scientific research and its benefits include achieving enhanced clarity of mind, peak performance, and emotional wellbeing. | +41 79 927 64 57 | Life Science Tools (IT, Diagnostics, Data) | Smart Health Deep Learning / AI |
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AI Medical AG | AI Medical develops innovative and artificial intelligence supported software for radio-imaging. The primary product "Jazz" automatically generates reports, annotates lesions, and digitises findings to enhance efficiency. The Software reducing report generation time to under three minutes. They collaborate with leading institutions and are ISO 13485 certified. | +41 78 840 28 80 | Medtech (devices) | Medtech Smart Health Deep Learning / AI |
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Rimon Technologies GmbH | Rimon Technologies stellt Fertigungs- und Serviceunternehmen ein System zur Verfügung, das hilft, das Fachwissen der Mitarbeiter zu sammeln und zu teilen. Mitarbeiter arbeiten so selbstständiger, Betriebsstillstände werden vermieden und ihr Wissen bleibt in der Firma. | +41 79 547 46 21 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Robotics and Image Analysis Sensors, Nanotech and Materials Data Engineering, ERP Systems Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing Deep Learning / AI |
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Yuon Control AG | Yuon Control AG ist ein Cleantech Startup aus Burgdorf, welches eine intelligente und prädiktive Heizungssteuerung entwickelt hat. Die Software ermöglicht Betreibern von thermischen Netzen die Effizienz um bis zu 25% zu erhöhen: Lastspitzen werden geglättet, Rücklauftemperaturen reduziert und die Kapazität des Netzes erhöht. Weniger Kosten, weniger CO2 & mehr Wärme. | +41 34 530 09 40 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Intelligent Buildings and BIM Sensors, Nanotech and Materials Energy Efficiency Smart Mobility and Smart Cities Deep Learning / AI |
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Leg&airy AG | Leg&airy developed a fully digital and proprietary scan-fit-print platform to rapidly design and deliver custom-made prosthetics and orthotic devices to patients across Switzerland. By seamlessly integrating advanced pressure sensors, we are not only custom-fitting these devices to the human body but also infusing them with intelligence. | +41 44 585 26 26 | Medtech (devices) | Medtech Smart Health Advanced Manufacturing Deep Learning / AI |
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Resmonics AG | Die Resmonics AG, ein Spin-Off der ETH Zürich und Universität St. Gallen, entwickelt ein KI-basiertes Sensorsystem für Spitäler, das in Echtzeit Gesundheitsrisiken für Mitarbeiter erkennt und mittels frühzeitiger Warnungen Krankheitsfälle verhindert. | +41 76 403 34 66 | Life Science Tools (IT, Diagnostics, Data) | Medtech Smart Health Deep Learning / AI |
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Mosaic SoC AG | Mosaic SoC creates innovative microcontroller architecture that boosts energy efficiency by 10X for next-gen smart devices. Our unique SoC architecture enables multiple accelerators to access memory concurrently, allowing real-time AI processing on low-power systems while maintaining long battery life. | +41 76 246 24 69 | Electronic & Mechanical Engineering / Robotics | Robotics and Image Analysis Sensors, Nanotech and Materials Cybersecurity Smart Mobility and Smart Cities Deep Learning / AI |
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RTDT Laboratories AG | RTDT is developing Aerosense, a novel hardware-enabled-AI that is thin, flexible wireless and autonomous for capture of aerodynamic, vibration and acoustic insights on wind turbine rotor blades. RTDT’s technology enables the next generation of autonomous & intelligent wind turbine control, design and operation. |
+41 787 67 8252 | Energy / Cleantech | Energy Efficiency Smart Mobility and Smart Cities Multiphysics Deep Learning / AI | | ETH Zürich - Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen IWF | Mechanische WerkstattBenötigen Sie professionelle Hilfe für die fertigungsgerechte Konstruktion oder im Bereich der Fertigungstechnik? Haben Sie ein messtechnisches Problem? Oder haben Sie eine gute Idee, können diese aber nicht selber realisieren?Die Werkstatt des IWF bietet Studenten, Assistenten und Jungfirmen Unterstützung bei der Umsetzung ihrer Ideen. Hierfür stehen erfahrene Mechaniker und Techniker beratend und tatkräftig zur Verfügung, welche es verstehen, Ihre Ideen zum Erfolg zu führen. | +41 44 633 80 83 | Electronic & Mechanical Engineering / Robotics | Robotics and Image Analysis Sensors, Nanotech and Materials Energy Efficiency Cybersecurity Smart Mobility and Smart Cities Smart Health Advanced Manufacturing |
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EcoLogic AG | Die EcoLogic AG bietet massgeschneiderte IT- und Softwarelösungen vom Kleinauftrag bis zum Vollservice, individuell auf jeden Kunden abgestimmt. Seit 1994 unterstützt EcoLogic Firmen aus den verschiedensten Branchen mit IT-Infrastruktur, Software-Entwicklung, Wartung und Support sowie Beratung. Systeme werden beim Kunden In-house, im Rechenzentrum oder in der Cloud betrieben. Für unsere EcoCloud®-Services setzen wir auf ein CO2-neutrales Rechenzentrum in der Schweiz, das zu 100 Prozent erneuerbare Energien verwendet. Auch unterhalten wir eine eigene Flotte von Elektrofahrzeugen. So sind unsere Mitarbeiter/innen mit E-Mobilität, Mobility oder ÖV zu unseren Kunden unterwegs. EcoLogic beschäftigt heute um die 20 Mitarbeiter/innen und ist nach wie vor Inhaber-geführt. | +41 44 368 69 70 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Data Engineering, ERP Systems Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Cybersecurity |
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Zurich Instruments AG | Zurich Instruments makes instrumentation for quantum computing and periodic signal measurements. Over 170 employees help to advance science by offering expert service and a wide product portfolio: Quantum computing control systems, lock-in amplifiers, phase-locked loops, arbitrary waveform generators, impedance analyzers, digitizers, and boxcar averagers. We are a part of Rohde & Schwarz company. | +41 44 515 04 10 | Electronic & Mechanical Engineering / Robotics | Sensors, Nanotech and Materials Cybersecurity |
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Inspire AG | Die inspire AG ist als strategischer Partner der ETH Zürich das führende Schweizer Kompetenzzentrum für den Technologietransfer zur MEM–Industrie. Sie betreibt Forschung für die Industrie, entwickelt modernste Technologien, Methoden und Prozesse und löst Probleme auf allen Wissensgebieten der Produktinnovation und der Produktionstechnik | +41 44 556 58 00 | Electronic & Mechanical Engineering / Robotics | Robotics and Image Analysis Sensors, Nanotech and Materials Energy Efficiency Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Cybersecurity Smart Mobility and Smart Cities Advanced Manufacturing |
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TIMETOACT GROUP Schweiz GmbH | Beratungsleistungen und IT-Lösungen auf Basis von IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Red Hat und Google Software. Zur Unternehmensgruppe gehören: ARS, BLUETRADE, CLOUDPILOTS, edcom, GIS AG, novaCapta, Synaigy, X-INTEGRATE. Standorte in Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und den Niederlanden mit mehr als 550 Mitarbeitern. | +41 44 313 20 20 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Data Engineering, ERP Systems Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Cybersecurity |
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Inventage AG | Unsere Kernkompetenzen liegen im Software-Engineering, und unser Domänenwissen liegt im Banking. Unsere Dienstleistungen umfassen alles Nötige für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung eines Softwareprojekts mit dem technologischen Fokus auf Java in Kombination mit modernen Webtechnologien.
Sie haben eine neue Geschäftsidee oder Vision, für deren Umsetzung Software eine zentrale Rolle spielen wird? Geht es um neue Geschäftsmöglichkeiten oder neue Geschäftsmodelle? Firmenintern oder übers Internet? Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Nachricht. |
+41 43 343 20 20 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Data Engineering, ERP Systems Cybersecurity Fintech |
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Integritee AG | Integritee is the most scalable public blockchain solution for securely processing sensitive business or personal data. Harness the speed and confidentiality of trusted execution environments, combined with the trust of a decentralized network, with Integritee. | +41 43 456 16 71 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Data Engineering, ERP Systems Cybersecurity |
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PAN AG | PAN is a start-up in the child wellbeing space.
Our vision is to make the Internet a safe place for children. We aim to provide a simple and effective solution to detect and prevent digital threats such as cyberbullying, online predators, sextortion or even suicidal thoughts. SafeKids, our AI powered app, monitors the child's social media and messaging apps and detects digital threats early, while respecting their privacy. |
+41 76 396 35 26 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Data Engineering, ERP Systems Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Cybersecurity |
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lowRISC C.I.C. | lowRISC ist ein kollaboratives, not-for-profit Unternehmen, welches mittels gemeinschaftlicher Ingenieursarbeit und durch eine einmalige Kombination von Fähigkeiten, Expertise und Vision quelloffene (Open Source) integrierte Schaltungsdesigns und entsprechende Werkzeuge entwickelt und pflegt. Wir bieten ein Zuhause für Multi-Partner Projekte welche verifizierte, qualitativ hochstehende IP und Werkzeuge zum Ziel haben, die ein solides Fundament für die schnellen Entwicklungszyklen bilden, welche für die nächste Generation von Halbleiterprodukten benötigt werden. Unser bekanntestes Projekt ist OpenTitan, welches darauf abzielt, in Partnerschaft mit Google, der ETH Zürich, G+D Mobile Security, Western Digital, Seagate, Nuvoton Technology und Winbond den ersten quelloffenen Root-of-Trust Chip zu entwickeln. |
+41 78 742 84 94 | Electronic & Mechanical Engineering / Robotics | Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Cybersecurity |
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Blackpoints AG | Blackpoints carries out the digitization of processes in companies at all interdisciplinary levels (IT, organization, marketing, etc.). They support companies in the design of business processes, information systems and communication technologies in order to develop solutions that simplify and optimize the daily tasks of the company. | +41 79 244 08 44 | ICT / Software and Data Engineering | Data Engineering, ERP Systems Digitalization in Office and Manufacturing Cybersecurity |