
e-mobile Lade Forum

Am 11. März 2025 findet das e-mobile Ladeforum statt. Themen sind Geschäftsmodelle der Ladeinfrastruktur, gesetzliche Rahmenbedingungen und technologische Fortschritte bei Batterien und Charge Repay Services. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit zum Austausch und Netzwerken. Für weitere Informationen und zur Anmeldung klicken Sie hier. Hashtags: #ladeforum


The AI Startup Center has officially launched

On February 5, the AI Startup Center by Technopark Zürich was officially launched. Its goal is to become the place to be for AI innovations in Switzerland, in close collaboration with ETH Zurich’s AI Center. It already has 20 startup members which benefit from various offers.


Datathon by Analytics Club

Join the flagship event hosted by Europe’s largest student-run AI and ML society Datathon is one of the most renowed hackathons in the AI and ML scene in Switzerland, Germany and Austria, with talents from the most distinguished and elite universities. From over 500 applicants, the most skillful and specialized talents have the opportunity to develop and present different […]


Start-up boom thriving at ETH Zurich

Once again, around 40 spin-off companies were launched at ETH Zurich. Start-ups in the fields of artificial intelligence and biotechnology were particularly well represented.
