
4. SCOT-Symposium

Der Kurs ist für Assistenzärztinnen und -ärzte der Kardiologie, Oberärztinnen und -ärzte der Kardiologie und für in der Praxis tätige Kardiologinnen und Kardiologen gedacht. Zur Anmeldung klicken Sie bitte hier.


Visense and Octotronic merge businesses

The newly founded company Octotronic AG is a result of a fusion between Visense, which developed a smart error diagnosis solution and Octotronic, specialists in smart factory architecture. The leadership team comprises members from both startups.


Precision Liquid Handling Workshop

The handling of small amounts of liquids using innovative liquid handling systems (robotic, microfluidic, etc.) is reducing the consumption of reagents and costs for numerous laboratory and industrial applications. This increasing precision is the result of the miniaturization of fluidic and electronic systems. Precision liquid handling is paving the way for advancements in -omics, organoid […]


MedPhab Photonic Innovations in MedTech Symposium

“Photonic Innovations in MedTech Symposium” hosted by MedPhab, will bring together leading experts from the fields of MedTech and Photonics to exchange insights and explore strategic pathways for advancing photonic technologies in medical devices. The symposium will cover all steps from conceptualization to market release of innovative MedTech products, with a specific attention on the […]
