
Rent office space /technopark-zurich/rent-office-space/ Office space Technopark Zurich has a range of attractive, highly flexible office space available for interested companies and organisations. Office space is available to rent from 18m2, tailored to your specific requirements. Reception, cleaning and security/surveillance services are available. Are you interested in renting an office in Technopark Zurich? Get in touch...

Counselling and coaching /for-tenants/counselling-and-coaching/ Counselling and coaching Technopark Zurich facilitates knowledge and technology transfer and supports the establishment of new technologically oriented companies through its extensive range of counselling, project and training services. The following aspects are key to these services: Coaching/Initial counselling Discussion and the company business plan are the basis on which to determine the...

Imagebrochure /imagebrochure/ This is Technopark Zurich! Technopark Zurich has been the epicenter of the Swiss startup scene for around three decades. Nowhere else in this country can so many company founders be found in one place. Even more impressive than the sheer size is the established network from which the leased-in companies benefit....