Foundation Board

The foundation board is the governing body of the Foundation TECHNOPARK® Zürich.

Members of the Foundation Board

Corine Mauch
Mayor | Department of the Mayor of the City of Zurich
Dr. iur. Karin Hauser Canton of Zurich | Department for Economic Affairs |General Secretariat
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Stark University of Zurich | Vice President Research
Prof. Dr. Lothar Thiele
President of Foundation Board
ETH Zurich | Professor Computer Engineering & Networks Laboratory
Prof. Dr. Vanessa Wood ETH Zurich | Vice President for Knowledge Transfer & Corporate Relations
Prof. Dr. Tanja Zimmermann Empa | Director Materials Science and Technology
Martin Albers Amlin AG | President of the Board of Directors
Per Erikson Swiss Life AG | Member of the Executive Boards
Dr. Jörg Müller-Ganz Zürcher Kantonalbank | President of the Bank Council
Jenny Weinkopf UBS Switzerland AG | Corporate & Institutional Clients Switzerland
Dr. Matthias Kaiserswerth Hasler Stiftung | CEO
Dr. Eduard Rikli
Vicepresident of Foundation Board
Brütsch/Rüegger Holding AG | Chairman of the Board of Directors
Dr. Gerd Scheller Siemens Mobility AG | CEO & President
Dr. Detlef Steck Entrepreneur & Board of Directors
Kurt Biri Investor, Independent Consultant
Martin Bosshardt Anapaya Systems AG | CEO
Dr. Stefan J. Meier Entrepreneur & Founder