Update Contact Details of Your Employees

On this page you can see the information we have in our database about your employees, and you may modify this information and ask us, to enter new employees of yours.  Those can then be found by the reception desk, etc.

  • We normally enter this information when you are sending the application form for the Technopark Zurich, when you subscribe to our Infoletter or register for some of our events.  People are attached to a certain company according to their e-mail address.
  • Concerning the “Role for Technopark Zurich”:  We need exactly one “Primary contact in management”.  This facilitates our administration and correspondence.
  • You can also see if you are subscribed to one of our Newsletters. This, however, cannot be changed, here.
    • As for the “Immoletter”.  It contains exclusive information for resident companies.  All employees of a company are automatically subscribed (if we have their e-mail).  Of course, you can unsubscribe by clicken on the appropriate link in the last edition.  However, since we communicate about engineering works or things related to our infrastructure, all of your employees should receive the information in those Immoletters.  We unsubscribe members of companies that move out of Technopark, automatically.
    • The infoletter is also sent to externals. It comprises information about our networking events (such as the Zmorge) or about interesting events and news in the start-ups scene that we consider interesting for our resident companies.  You may subscribe for the Infoletter here.
  • Information about your company, company Logos, the major industry sector or trend clusters you are working in, can be updated here.
  • After you submit this form, this page is reloaded.  When the members of your company appear again, the form was transmited successfully.
  • We review the information first (usually within a day or two).  Thereafter, you can find the updated information, here (i.e. not immediately).
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